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All Posts in Category: Eyewear Advice

It Only Takes Once – Why It Is Important To Wear Sport Glasses

For the past twenty years, I have enjoyed playing squash three times per week.  During that time, I have made a habit of always wearing my safety sport glasses.  I knew that because squash balls can travel up to 280 km/hr, they are capable of doing tremendous damage to the eye.  In fact, I have examined a few patients over the years who were blind in one eye as a result of not wearing eye protection while playing squash.  I had also read that a squash player has a 25% chance of receiving a serious eye injury at some time during their playing career. Because of my past experience with patient injuries, and the statistics regarding squash players, I knew that wearing sport glasses to protect the eyes was incredibly important.

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How Presbyopia Effects The Aging Eyes

“My vision is fine, I don’t need glasses…”  and “My glasses seem to not be working for me anymore!” These are some of the many remarks we as opticians hear from our patients who are getting closer to the age of 40; the age at which Presbyopia sinks in. Presbyopia is defined as the loss of elasticity of the lens of the aging eyes, occurring typically in middle age starting around the age of 40.  Patients visiting our office often notice that it is gradually getting more difficult to read anything within arms reach. They also often complain of eye fatigue and light seeming dimmer. An eye exam is often used to confirm presbyopia.

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Understanding Your Eyeglass Prescription

An eyeglass prescription contains valuable information regarding your visual needs and vision correction. To those with little or no optical knowledge, how an eyeglass prescription is written may look like a chaotic mess of symbols, letters and numbers. Each component of an eyeglass prescription represents a very important value that tells your eye care practitioner a lot about your eyes, sight, and vision correction needs. When getting eyeglasses, your optician will read your prescription and determine which lens options are best suited to what has been prescribed by your optometrist.

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The Risks of Purchasing Eyeglasses Online

In the busy world of today it is often more convenient and time efficient to purchase items online from the comfort of you own home.  As opticians and eye care professionals, we are often asked about the risks of purchasing prescription eyeglasses online as more and more consumers are drawn to this quick and easy form of shopping.  While ordering eyeglasses online may seem easy, it is very different from ordering a typical consumer item such as a sweater or shoes. Opticians are trained and educated to fit glasses and select lenses that are customized to your specific visual needs and prescription. Obtaining a prescription is only one of many steps needed to ensure you are seeing the best you can.

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How To Take Proper Care Of Your Eyeglasses

As you know, your eyeglasses are more then just a fashion statement or an accessory on your face. They are a very important medical device which helps you see your world clearly. So now that you have chosen your perfect set of new glasses, it is important to take care of them. By taking proper care and maintaining your glasses frequently, you can help preserve this very important piece of equipment for as long as possible.

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What Is The Difference Between Non-polarized Lenses & Polarized Lenses?

As opticians and dispensers, one of the most common questions we hear, when helping our patients choose the right sun protection is; “What is the Difference between non-polarized lenses and polarized lenses?” And “Do they really make a difference in the quality of my sunglasses?” Our main goal as eye care professionals is to provide each of our patients with the best knowledge regarding their sun protection. It is important when choosing polarized lenses, to know both the advantages and disadvantages. This will ensure that you are making the best choice in your sun protection. 

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When Living In Calgary Sunglasses Are Important In Winter Months

When we think of sunglasses, images of sandy beaches, surf, patios, and sunshine are usually the first images that pop into our heads.  Rarely do snowy landscapes, ice, and winter jackets make the list of items synonymous with sunglasses.  However, when living in Calgary sunglasses are important at all times of the year.  Often with the absence of summer, we forget why it is important to protect ourselves from the rays of the sun. I’m going to give you some important reasons as to why you should wear your sunglasses regularly in the darker winter months as well.

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