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All Posts Tagged: 20/20

Common Vision Terms Explained

Vision terms can sound like someone is speaking another language. For example, you might have heard someone throw around facts, such as they are farsighted or their vision is 20/20. But what exactly do those optometry terms mean? There are lots of optometry terms that many people might not know exactly what they mean. However, it’s good to be educated about them because they might help you understand your vision and eyes better! Read our blog article this week to learn exactly what some of the more common vision terms mean!
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What Does It Mean To Have 20/20 Vision?

One of the most common terms associated with optometry and eye exams is probably the term “20/20”. This term is so well recognized, that there are even popular phrases with it used outside of optometry. Such as, “hindsight is 20/20”! But what does it actually mean to have 20/20 vision? For most people, this term probably doesn’t mean a lot, other than the fact that it is associated with having “perfect vision”.  But the number 20/20 does actually mean something. 20/20 is a unit of measurement used in optometry and the optical industry to asses vision. Our blog this week is dedicated to “20/20” to explain just in fact what it means and how it works!

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