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All Posts Tagged: Age

What is Dry Eye Syndrome?

You know that burning feeling that you get when you’re tired or have worked at your computer too long? Well, those symptoms that you’ve experienced are some symptoms that go hand in hand with dry eye syndrome. Dry eye syndrome is a common eye problem, especially for people age 50 or older. But this eye condition doesn’t discriminate and can actually affect anyone, especially now that more and more people do tons of digital work. Because of this, more people are having symptoms which are related to dry eyes. But don’t worry! Read our blog article this week to understand just what dry eye syndrome is and what you can do to help your eyes.

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What Causes Reading Problems As We Age?

I heard recently that 40 is the new 20! With so much exposure to what is current via TV, the internet and social media, it’s easier than ever to keep up with what’s trending and in style. One thing that is definitely never in style is squinting to read or see things up close! As we age, most people will find that their near vision gets worse! So, why is it when people hit the magic age of 40 that they start to have problems with reading? Read this week’s blog article to find out what causes reading problems as we age!

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