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All Posts Tagged: Blue Light

Are Digital Devices Harmful To My Child’s Vision?

Did you know that screen-time can cause eye problems such as digital eye strain? With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had to make some big changes to our lives. For many of us, we are now reliant on our digital devices to keep us connected more than ever. This goes for our children as well. With the introduction of the new school year, many school districts and parents are choosing to take an online-distance learning approach for their kid’s education. But what kind of toll can an increase in all this screen-time and digital device use take on our children’s vision and eye health? Well, read our blog article to find out!

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What Is Blue Light And Why Is It Bad For My Eyes?

The majority of us know the importance of protecting our eyes from harmful ultra-violet light radiation. But did you know that there are other types of light that can also cause harm and damage to the eyes? You might have recently seen advertisements for blue-light blocking eyeglasses or blue blocking filters for digital device screen. But what exactly is blue light and why is it bad for my eyes? This week’s blog post answers this question!

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