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All Posts Tagged: clip-on sunglasses

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How to Protect Your Eyes On The Water: Sunglasses

Well, it’s almost the August long weekend. For most people, the august long weekend usually means that summer holidays are half over… Or for the optimists out there, that we still have half of our holidays left! Regardless, however you choose to look at it, we are officially smack dab, knee deep in summer! In Calgary, July and August are typically the hotter months. And recently, we’ve had some stretches of pretty hot weather! And, although our heatwaves that we have had this year haven’t been welcomed by all, the boaters and those who love water sports are in their glory! So this summer, if you do find yourself out on the water, follow these tips to protect your eyes on the water!
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How To Protect Your Eyesight

Our eyes go to work for us, first thing in the morning when we wake up, and they don’t stop working until we go to bed! Vision is such an important aspect of our everyday world. Most of us can’t even truly imagine what our lives would be like if we couldn’t see. That’s why protecting and maintaining healthy eyes and vision is very important. It is one of the most important things that you can do to maintain your quality of life. Here are some tips on how you can protect your eyesight.

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Alternative Eyewear For Sunglass Protection

This year in Calgary, we have been very fortunate to have had such a mild winter and a beautiful spring and start to our summer. As our days are now warmer and longer, many of us are choosing to spend much of our free time outdoors, enjoying the beautiful weather. And although it feels great to get outside and enjoy the sun, one must not forget about the importance of sun-protection. Harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun can cause damage to our body’s delicate tissues, and our eyes are of no exception. Many people think that sunglasses are the only form of sun protection for the eyes. But sadly, sunglasses are not always an option for everyone. For those individuals who can’t wear a regular pair of sunglasses, there are other options and alternative eyewear to sunglasses that can used to help protect the eyes from the damaging rays of the sun.

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