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All Posts Tagged: kids

Are Digital Devices Harmful To My Child’s Vision?

Did you know that screen-time can cause eye problems such as digital eye strain? With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had to make some big changes to our lives. For many of us, we are now reliant on our digital devices to keep us connected more than ever. This goes for our children as well. With the introduction of the new school year, many school districts and parents are choosing to take an online-distance learning approach for their kid’s education. But what kind of toll can an increase in all this screen-time and digital device use take on our children’s vision and eye health? Well, read our blog article to find out!

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A Lesson In Eye-Healthy School Snacks

Providing a child with eye-healthy school snacks is a small job a parent can play in helping to raise a healthy child. And most of us know that a good part of a child’s success is dependant on the people responsible for their care and nurturing. As part of a child’s care and prep for back to school, many families make sure that the “Back to School” eye exam is done before school starts. This is a great way to make sure that your child’s eyes are fit and functioning at their absolute best to help facilitate learning. But did you know that eye care shouldn’t end when the eye exam does? Another way to help promote healthy vision is to consistently provide your child with healthy foods and meal options. Eye healthy school snacks not only help feed their body but also feed their eyes and their mind!

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Tips For Buying Kids Sunglasses

Choosing an item for a child can be a daunting task. Children are the ultimate critics! If a child doesn’t like something, you can bet you’ll hear about it! Sometimes, this makes buying an item for a child a challenge! Many parents are intimidated when it comes to selecting eyeglasses and sunglasses for their children. But it doesn’t have to be that hard! Read our tips on buying kids sunglasses to ensure your child’s next pair of sunglasses is a hit!

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5 Important Reasons Why Children Should Wear Sunglasses!

Well, the summer is officially underway! And thank goodness Mother Nature has been cooperating by providing us with some exceptional weather to enjoy! It’s a great treat for kids who get to enjoy their break away from school! If you’re like many parents, you probably try to remember to lotion your kids up with sunscreen before sending them out to play, right!? But do you also make sure your children have sunglasses on as well? Although many parents are concerned about preventing sunburn to the skin caused by UV exposure, many parents overlook protecting their child’s eyes from those same damaging UV rays. Our blog article this week explains the value of kids sunglasses. So, here are 5 reasons why children should wear sunglasses.

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