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All Posts Tagged: Rose

Do I Need To Wear Sunglasses When Cloudy?

SUN-glasses were designed to be worn when sunny! So why would anyone want to wear sunglasses when cloudy out? Even though one of the main functions of sunglasses is to help combat glare and bright light from the sun they definitely serve a purpose and should be worn on overcast days as well. Our blog article this week is dedicated to informing our readers and patients about the importance of why a person should wear sunglasses when cloudy!

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What Are The Best Sunglasses For Golf?

Golf is such a great game! Who doesn’t like walking around on a beautifully manicured lawn out in the fresh air! The fact that you also get to whack a tiny white ball every so often, is therapeutic as well! Most seasoned golfers will agree that even though there is a great amount of skill and talent which is required to play the game. That the right golf gear also greatly impacts how a person plays. One item of gear that is often overlooked but can increase the odds of getting your ball in the hole is a good pair of sunglasses! But what are the best sunglasses for golf? Read our blog article this week to find out!

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