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Contact Lens Resource Center

Congratulations! If you’ve landed on this page chances are you have started to wear contact lenses! There are so many benefits of contact lens wear! When used properly, contact lenses are a great alternative to eyeglasses. Because lens insertion, removal, handling, and care are all components to successful contact wear, we’ve created a page full of contact lens resources.

Contact Lens Insertion & Removal

Handling contact lenses can be a little intimidating when you first get them. Don’t fret! Just remember that everyone who wears contact lenses was also once at this same place. Before you know it you will be inserting and removing your contacts like a pro! Here are a couple short videos to use as a guide for contact lens insertion and removal.

Daily Contact Lenses – This video covers insertion and removal techniques used for daily use contacts

Extended Wear Lenses – This video covers insertion and removal techniques as well as caring and handling extended wear contacts (monthly/biweekly replacement)


Contact Lens FAQ’s

There is so much to know about contact lenses and contact lens care! We’ve created a list to some of the most frequently asked questions. Each question links to one of our blog articles dedicated to helping you know the answer!

Tips and recommendations on this page should not be substituted over contact lens and eye care advice given by your optometrist or eye care practitioner. If you’ve received your new lenses from our office and have any questions, please feel free to give us a phone call during business hours at (403)255-2826 or after hours drop us a line via email.

Do you have questions regarding contact lenses or your eye health? Call our office at (403)255-2826 to book an appointment!

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