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All Posts Tagged: Astigmatism

Common Vision Terms Explained

Vision terms can sound like someone is speaking another language. For example, you might have heard someone throw around facts, such as they are farsighted or their vision is 20/20. But what exactly do those optometry terms mean? There are lots of optometry terms that many people might not know exactly what they mean. However, it’s good to be educated about them because they might help you understand your vision and eyes better! Read our blog article this week to learn exactly what some of the more common vision terms mean!
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Do You Have Trouble With Night Vision?

Do you have trouble with night vision? Now that we have fewer daylight hours in a day, it is important to make sure that you are seeing well at night. Being able to see in low light conditions is something that most of us rely on being able to do. Yet, there are so many people who have trouble with their night vision. Because of this, we’ve dedicated our blog article this week to the topic of seeing well at night. So, if you have trouble with night vision, this week’s blog article is for you!

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What is Astigmatism Correction, And Just How Is It Corrected?

Many people think that if they have an astigmatism, they have a special eye condition. However, astigmatism is a very common vision problem. An astigmatism is a refractive error in vision, just like being farsighted or nearsighted. It is caused by having an eye which is not shaped round or spherical, but more like an egg or football. This causes light to bend in different directions and not focus on the back of the eye properly. A recommendation for vision correction will be made, if you are found to have an astigmatism during your vision exam. Astigmatism is normally corrected with eyeglasses or contact lenses. Some patients may even get their astigmatism corrected with laser eye surgery.

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What Is Astigmatism Correction?

There are some common terms that you may hear during your visit to your optometrist and one of them may be the word “astigmatism”. This is because an astigmatism is a very common eye condition, which tends to occur in everybody to a certain amount. Most amounts of astigmatism can be corrected by either eyeglasses, contact lenses, and in many cases even eye surgery. But for many people who have an astigmatism, they don’t know what it is, why they have it, or what the options are for astigmatism correction.

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