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All posts by Trina VanAalst

Are Digital Devices Harmful To My Child’s Vision?

Did you know that screen-time can cause eye problems such as digital eye strain? With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had to make some big changes to our lives. For many of us, we are now reliant on our digital devices to keep us connected more than ever. This goes for our children as well. With the introduction of the new school year, many school districts and parents are choosing to take an online-distance learning approach for their kid’s education. But what kind of toll can an increase in all this screen-time and digital device use take on our children’s vision and eye health? Well, read our blog article to find out!

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COVID-19 Conjunctivitis / Pink Eye

Conjunctivitis and COVID-19

With talk about COVID-19 now being prevalent in most of our daily lives, you might of seen or heard the word conjunctivitis or pink eye in relation to the virus. In optometry, conjunctivitis (also known as pink eye) is a common condition seen by optometrists. Pink eye can be caused by many different reasons. But it is now also defined as a possible symptom of the COVID-19 virus.
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What Should I Bring To My Next Eye Appointment?

It’s nice to show up to any appointment prepared. An eye appointment is no different! Often people don’t put much thought into their eye exam. They show up thinking that their doctor only wants to see their eyes. But that is not the case! Doing a little bit of preparation before your eye exam is incredibly helpful for your optometrist and optician! Read our blog article before your next eye exam, so you know what you should bring to your next eye appointment and why you should bring it!

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COVID-19 – 5 Tips to Protect Yourself and Eyes During the Pandemic

The COVID-19 virus has definitely turned our world upside down. But, there are certain precautions that we can take to protect our health and eyes during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Using common-sense while taking extra precautions like shielding our eyes and practicing good hygiene can play an important role in helping to lower the chance of contracting a COVID-19 infection. Here are 5 tips to help protect yourself and your eye health during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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What Causes Light-Sensitive Eyes?

Do you have light-sensitive eyes? Sometimes, does light cause you to squint or does it make your eyes feel uncomfortable? Do you tend to shy away from areas of brightness and prefer environments that are a little darker? Trying to avoid bright situations to avoid uncomfortable eyes might have you questioning if you’re part vampire. But having eyes that are sensitive to light (medically known as photophobia) is not only irritating but it is also common. But what causes light-sensitive eyes? Here are some reasons that cause eyes to be photophobic and some solutions to help with the discomfort. Read on to find out more!

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A Lesson In Eye-Healthy School Snacks

Providing a child with eye-healthy school snacks is a small job a parent can play in helping to raise a healthy child. And most of us know that a good part of a child’s success is dependant on the people responsible for their care and nurturing. As part of a child’s care and prep for back to school, many families make sure that the “Back to School” eye exam is done before school starts. This is a great way to make sure that your child’s eyes are fit and functioning at their absolute best to help facilitate learning. But did you know that eye care shouldn’t end when the eye exam does? Another way to help promote healthy vision is to consistently provide your child with healthy foods and meal options. Eye healthy school snacks not only help feed their body but also feed their eyes and their mind!

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What is Dry Eye Syndrome?

You know that burning feeling that you get when you’re tired or have worked at your computer too long? Well, those symptoms that you’ve experienced are some symptoms that go hand in hand with dry eye syndrome. Dry eye syndrome is a common eye problem, especially for people age 50 or older. But this eye condition doesn’t discriminate and can actually affect anyone, especially now that more and more people do tons of digital work. Because of this, more people are having symptoms which are related to dry eyes. But don’t worry! Read our blog article this week to understand just what dry eye syndrome is and what you can do to help your eyes.

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I Have Good Vision, Do I Still Need An Eye Exam?

January is usually the month where people resolve to get back on track with their health goals after the holiday season.  Many new year resolutions aim at focusing on areas where people feel that they need improvement.  But maintaining the areas where there are no signs of problems should not go overlooked.  The eyes can easily fall victim to this type of thinking.  People often wonder, “do I really need an eye exam if I have good vision?”  Well, we’re here to tell you, “yes, you do!”  Read our blog article this week to learn why you should have an eye exam, even if you have no vision problems.

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Common Vision Terms Explained

Vision terms can sound like someone is speaking another language. For example, you might have heard someone throw around facts, such as they are farsighted or their vision is 20/20. But what exactly do those optometry terms mean? There are lots of optometry terms that many people might not know exactly what they mean. However, it’s good to be educated about them because they might help you understand your vision and eyes better! Read our blog article this week to learn exactly what some of the more common vision terms mean!
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