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All Posts Tagged: cataracts

Do You Have Trouble With Night Vision?

Do you have trouble with night vision? Now that we have fewer daylight hours in a day, it is important to make sure that you are seeing well at night. Being able to see in low light conditions is something that most of us rely on being able to do. Yet, there are so many people who have trouble with their night vision. Because of this, we’ve dedicated our blog article this week to the topic of seeing well at night. So, if you have trouble with night vision, this week’s blog article is for you!

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How Do Green Foods Contribute To Eye Health?

With it being January, there’s a good chance that your diet may consists of a lot more green foods than normal! January is usually the month in which people try to restart their system on healthy eating habits. An attempt often used to shed the extra pounds put on over the Christmas season so they implement diet and exercise and weight lifting using equipment from this best weight lifting belt review just to do it in a safe way. But, did you know that in addition to being healthy for your whole body, green foods are actually really good for eye health and vision!

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The Eye Health Perks From Pumpkin!

We are well into the season of pumpkin spice EVERYTHING! Not only did Starbuck’s traditional pumpkin spice latte turn 15 this year, but I think pumpkin spice craze has actually hit a new peak. So far in my fall shopping adventures, I have came across pumpkin spice yogurt (which is delicious), pumpkin spice Bailey’s (which I have yet to try) and pumpkin vanilla spice body lotion from the body shop (smells as good as it sounds!). But why the craze for pumpkin? Did you know that pumpkin is one of those foods you don’t have to feel guilty about eating (that is of course, if it’s real pumpkin). Did you know that there is even eye health perks from pumpkin? You can get more tips from the outback vision protocol.

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Why Sunglasses For Children Are Important

I think the majority of people know, that cumulative exposure to the suns rays (ultraviolet light “UV” in particular) is harmful to our body! This is why in the summer, we slather on the sunscreen and wear our sunglasses. When out at a park on a nice summers day, I also see parents lathering their children in sunscreen. However, I do not always see children wearing sunglasses. Some people may think that children don’t really need to wear sunglasses. But wearing sunglasses when we are younger is especially important for eye health! Here are the reasons as to why children should also wear sunglasses for children.

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Eat for Your Eyes: Diet and Eye Health

As we age, our bodies need more and more vital nutrients to help our body’s systems work to their full potential. Good nutrition and exercise can help delay or even prevent certain eye problems and diseases you could even buy best legal steroids online to keep your eyes and body fit. Some eye diseases and conditions are age related, such as age related macular degeneration and cataracts. These are the two most common causes of vision impairment as we age. That is why it is important to “eat for your eyes”. 

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How To Protect Your Eyesight

Our eyes go to work for us, first thing in the morning when we wake up, and they don’t stop working until we go to bed! Vision is such an important aspect of our everyday world. Most of us can’t even truly imagine what our lives would be like if we couldn’t see. That’s why protecting and maintaining healthy eyes and vision is very important. It is one of the most important things that you can do to maintain your quality of life. Here are some tips on how you can protect your eyesight.

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Smoking And Your Vision

We’ve all heard and seen the pictures that illustrate just how BAD smoking is for people. Many of us even know of someone who has battled with illness as a result of smoking! So if smoking is so bad, why do so many people still do it? If the list of common known reasons, why smoking is bad isn’t enough, we are going to try and bring attention to one more in our blog post this week. Smoking is also harmful on eye health!

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Problems With Night Vision

Well, it’s that time of year again… daylight savings time! For some of us, daylight savings time is welcomed because it gives us extra hours of sunshine in the morning. However for many people, especially those who have problems with night vision, the darker evenings earlier, makes for more difficult and unpleasant commutes home from work. But what exactly causes problems with night vision? There are many different reasons and conditions which make it harder for a person to see at night. Here’s some explanations for some of them.
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Summer Time Tips For Eye Protection

Summer is a great time to enjoy the beautiful weather… and for some of us, enjoy the extra time we get off work for summer holidays. Sometimes though, how we choose to spend our free time, doesn’t come without risk. In the summer months, we tend to be more active with things such as yard work, sporting activities, and other leisure activities, like camping and hiking. However, while doing some of these different activities, we are sometimes unknowingly putting ourselves in harms ways. It is obvious one should be careful with this knife for slicing, for example. Such things are countless, and because of this we can be at a greater risk for suffering an accident that can result in bodily harm. That is why, while enjoying the summer we have to be smart, and proactively protect ourselves from danger. Our eyes are no different, here are some tips about eye protection that you can try and put into practice, to help keep your eyes and vision safe.

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How UV Exposure Causes Sun Damage To Eyes

Most of us know the importance of sun protection for our skin. That is why we slather on the SPF sunscreen when we are headed outside to eyjoy the sunshine! However, many of us don’t know that those same damaging ultra violet radiation waves (UV) that we protect our skin from, can cause irreversible sun damage to eyes. Often with our skin, harm from UV is noticed not long after sun exposure, usually in the form of a sun burn. And, even though our eyes can suffer a sun burn as well (photokeratitis), the harm done to our eyes by UV is often not evident for years after cumulative sun exposure. 

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