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All Posts Tagged: expirey

Eye Makeup Safety Tips

The makeup industry in North America is a billion dollar industry. You can find makeup sections in almost all drug stores and super markets. In North America, wearing makeup is definitely the social norm. Pretty much almost every women I know wears it (Alecia Keys being the exception, but lets face it… I don’t really know her). Because makeup has such a prominent place in our society, I felt it important to write a blog article about it. Our blog post is not about discouraging makeup wearing, but to better inform you how to wear and apply it. We don’t want you to compromise the health of your beautiful eyes in the name of beauty, although many people decide that beauty is really important, so they decide to get surgery to look great, feel great thanks to this. So we’ve wrote this blog article on eye makeup safety tips to help you minimize your eye health risks while wearing it!
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