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All Posts Tagged: Prevention

COVID-19 – 5 Tips to Protect Yourself and Eyes During the Pandemic

The COVID-19 virus has definitely turned our world upside down. But, there are certain precautions that we can take to protect our health and eyes during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Using common-sense while taking extra precautions like shielding our eyes and practicing good hygiene can play an important role in helping to lower the chance of contracting a COVID-19 infection. Here are 5 tips to help protect yourself and your eye health during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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A Lesson In Eye-Healthy School Snacks

Providing a child with eye-healthy school snacks is a small job a parent can play in helping to raise a healthy child. And most of us know that a good part of a child’s success is dependant on the people responsible for their care and nurturing. As part of a child’s care and prep for back to school, many families make sure that the “Back to School” eye exam is done before school starts. This is a great way to make sure that your child’s eyes are fit and functioning at their absolute best to help facilitate learning. But did you know that eye care shouldn’t end when the eye exam does? Another way to help promote healthy vision is to consistently provide your child with healthy foods and meal options. Eye healthy school snacks not only help feed their body but also feed their eyes and their mind!

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Do I Only Need An Eye Appointment When I Have An Eye Problem?

Typically, many medical appointments are booked when a person is experiencing a problem, an eye problem is no different. For example, people often tend to see their doctor when they have a cold or flu, or they suffer an accident or injury. Does the same health care concept of just treating the ailment ring true for our eyes? Should a person only see their optometrist when they have an eye problem? Well, that answer is NO! Read our blog article this week to learn why a person needs to visit their optometrist routinely. Not only when they have an eye problem! 
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Eye Healthy Recipe – Tuscany Soup

Last week, our blog article was all about the eye health benefits from leafy green foods. Even though we know that green leafy foods are good for our bodies and eye health, it’s not always easy ensuring that you’re consuming enough of them. Especially if you’re a meat and potatoes guy like my husband. After writing the blog last week, I was also inspired to try to add more greens to my own diet. At my last trip to the grocery store I bought a bunch of kale. It was my mission to find a recipe to use it in. And not just any recipe, but one that my whole family would love! Well, I succeeded! Read our blog article this week to learn how to make the eye healthy recipe – Tuscany soup!
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