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All posts by Trina VanAalst

How To Avoid A Holiday Eye Accident!

Yay! Only a few weeks left until Christmas! This time of year is so exciting! There’s so much joy from being with friends and family, enjoying good food and giving gifts! It’s an especially exciting time of year for small children. With visions of Santa bringing presents, how could they not be excited?! Have you ever thought that some of the gifts that you give a child could cause them injury? Don’t let all of the joy and excitement of the holiday season get spoiled by an avoidable eye accident! Here are some gift-giving safety tips to help keep small children and their peepers safe over the holidays!

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The Connection Between Food and Eye Health

Did you know that there is a connection between food and eye health? ‘Tis the season of food, food, and more FOOD! With so many tasty treats and yummy temptations during the holiday season, it’s easy to overindulge! We know that too many sweets aren’t kind to the waistline. But, can what you eat really affect your vision and eye health as well? When it comes to vision and the health of your eyes, it’s important to know ALL the facts. In this week’s blog article, we will explore the connection between food and eye health.

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Do I Only Need An Eye Appointment When I Have An Eye Problem?

Typically, many medical appointments are booked when a person is experiencing a problem, an eye problem is no different. For example, people often tend to see their doctor when they have a cold or flu, or they suffer an accident or injury. Does the same health care concept of just treating the ailment ring true for our eyes? Should a person only see their optometrist when they have an eye problem? Well, that answer is NO! Read our blog article this week to learn why a person needs to visit their optometrist routinely. Not only when they have an eye problem! 
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How to Choose A Calgary Eye Doctor

Do you have a Calgary eye doctor? Finding a new service provider for anything can be stressful. It can be an especially daunting task when it pertains to your health. Where does a person start to look? Sometimes, it’s hard to know if someone is going to be a good choice for you and your family. There are so many eye care professionals out there! Trying to find an optometrist who you are comfortable with and can trust can make a person feel overwhelmed! That’s why we thought it important to write a blog article to help. Read this week’s blog to help you determine what to look for when choosing a Calgary eye doctor!

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Problems With Reading – How Well Do Your Child’s Eyes Work Together?

Does your child have problems with reading? A check of their vision evaluates how well your child’s eyes work together. Wow! It’s hard to believe that it’s already November. It seems like the start of the school year was just yesterday! Because we are now well into the school year, it’s a great time again to talk about your child’s vision! As mentioned in our earlier blog post, statistics say that 80% of learning is visual. Because of this, the relationship between a child’s vision and their developing brain is so important! Ensuring that a child has healthy eyes and can see well, greatly affects their ability to learn and read. Do you know if your child has problems reading? Our blog post this week discusses the relationship between binocular vision and problems with reading in children.

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Do You Have Trouble With Night Vision?

Do you have trouble with night vision? Now that we have fewer daylight hours in a day, it is important to make sure that you are seeing well at night. Being able to see in low light conditions is something that most of us rely on being able to do. Yet, there are so many people who have trouble with their night vision. Because of this, we’ve dedicated our blog article this week to the topic of seeing well at night. So, if you have trouble with night vision, this week’s blog article is for you!

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Diabetes And The Eyes, What is the Connection?

Did you know that there is a connection between diabetes and the eyes? November is diabetes awareness month. There are millions of Canadians who live with diabetes disease and millions more who are undiagnosed diabetics! The number of people who are affected by this disease is staggering. That’s why diabetes Awareness month is so important and why we’ve dedicated this weeks blog article on the topic. So, just what is the connection between diabetes and the eyes? Read on to learn more!
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Halloween Safety Tips – Be Seen And Safe

Halloween safety tips should be considered to reduce your child’s risk of injury when out trick-or-treating. Halloween is the holiday that seems to break all the rules that parents try to instill in their children. Don’t talk to strangers and don’t take candy from people you don’t know are rules that go right out the window on Halloween. With all the excitement and change in routine for this one-off evening a year, eager children looking to fill their bags with candy can forget common street sense and etiquette. That’s why it’s important for parents to make sure that their children are seen and safe this Halloween. Read this week’s blog article for some important Halloween safety tips!

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What Is Computer Vision Syndrome?

Have you heard the term computer vision syndrome? So many of us spend so much time using computers and digital devices. Whether we use computers for work or digital devices like phones and tablets for pleasure, it is a fact that technology is a huge part of our everyday lives. Because of this, we are starting to see technology-related health problems. Frequent use of digital devices can put real stress and strain on our eyes. Common eye problems that occur as a result of digital device use is often referred to as computer vision syndrome. But what exactly is computer vision syndrome? Read on to learn more!
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Eye Health Benefits Of Pumpkin & Pumpkin Pie Recipe

Goodbye September and HELLO OCTOBER! I love the fall! I love everything about fall! The colours, the smells, the warm chunky sweaters and the food! One of my favourite fall foods that we traditionally have at the end of every Thanksgiving dinner is pumpkin pie. I’m pretty sure that we can all agree that nothing completes a festive holiday meal better than a slice of pumpkin pie. So you may find yourself wondering why are we talking about pumpkin pie in an optometry blog? Well, did you know that optometrists love pumpkin because it is a great source of nutrition for eyes! Read our blog article this week to learn about the eye health benefits of pumpkin, along with a super scrumptious recipe for pumpkin pie!

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