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All Posts in Category: Contact Lens Advice

Halloween Safety Tips – Be Seen And Safe

Halloween safety tips should be considered to reduce your child’s risk of injury when out trick-or-treating. Halloween is the holiday that seems to break all the rules that parents try to instill in their children. Don’t talk to strangers and don’t take candy from people you don’t know are rules that go right out the window on Halloween. With all the excitement and change in routine for this one-off evening a year, eager children looking to fill their bags with candy can forget common street sense and etiquette. That’s why it’s important for parents to make sure that their children are seen and safe this Halloween. Read this week’s blog article for some important Halloween safety tips!

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At What Age Can A Child Wear Contact Lenses?

Wow, the summer is whizzing by! It’s hard to believe that it is almost September. Especially, if you have a little person in your life that is heading back to school! For some parents and children, September can be an emotional time. With the start of school comes so many changes in such a short span of time. One change that your child might be looking forward to is making the switch from eyeglasses to contact lenses. But when exactly can a child wear contact lenses? Well, our blog article this week is here to help you answer this question!

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Is It Okay To Swim While Wearing Contact Lenses?

We’ve had a pretty amazing summer weather wise. And this week will be no different. With forecasts aiming to break temperature records in the low to mid-thirties, Calgarians are going to be looking for ways to cool down. One popular trick to beat the heat is by taking a dip in a local lake or pool. Although this is a way to help prevent heat stroke, for contact lens wearers doing something as simple as swimming opens them up to other risks. Risks such as contracting a serious infection that can impact eye health. So if you, yourself wear contacts or a have someone close to you who does, you may find this week’s blog article of interest. Read on to learn whether it is okay to swim while wearing contact lenses.

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What Causes Itchy Eyes?

Well, the warm weather is finally here and the trees and flowers are starting to bud! Most of us welcome this time of year. But unfortunately, this time of year causes some of us to suffer from itchy eyes. Itchy eyes are usually caused by some type of allergens, but not always. Our blog article this week addressed the question of what causes itchy eyes? And gives some solutions to help alleviate eye itch!

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Is Buying Contact Lenses Online Safe?

It’s crazy how much the internet has changed our lives since it’s introduction only a few short decades ago. From how we get our information, how we socialize, to how we consider making purchases. It’s definitely made some aspects of life more convenient. With being able to purchase almost anything within the reach of our fingertips, one might ask themselves “why shouldn’t I purchase my contact lenses online as well?” But the truth is, buying your paper towel from an online store is quite different than buying a medical device, such as contact lenses. Our article this week educates on the risks of purchasing contact lenses online.
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The Benefits Of Contact Lenses!

With January being the start of a new year, often people are in a mood for change! If you are a full time glasses wearer, a change may be to introduce contact lenses to correct your vision. Wearing a contact lens can really help improve an eyeglass wearers life in so many different ways. Being free of wearing eyeglasses offers a cosmetic change and also freedom and flexibility that eyeglasses can’t. Here are just a few reason’s why people may consider wearing contacts.

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Why Halloween Contact Lenses Are Bad For Eyes

It’s spook season! You’ve picked out the perfect halloween outfit. But now, you’ve decided that what will really put your costume over the top, is adding an eye-popping touch! A crazy looking pair of halloween contact lenses that you saw at the party store will really complete your look! Well, if you think that this is a great idea… think again! Many people aren’t aware of the dangers associated with wearing costume contact lenses. Contact lenses, such as these can cause irreversible damage to eye health. This can result in decreased vision or in extreme cases even permanent vision loss!

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What Is Astigmatism Correction?

There are some common terms that you may hear during your visit to your optometrist and one of them may be the word “astigmatism”. This is because an astigmatism is a very common eye condition, which tends to occur in everybody to a certain amount. Most amounts of astigmatism can be corrected by either eyeglasses, contact lenses, and in many cases even eye surgery. But for many people who have an astigmatism, they don’t know what it is, why they have it, or what the options are for astigmatism correction.

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Advantages Of Using Daily Disposable Contact Lenses

Since the invention of the contact lens, there has been big changes to conatact lens materials, designs, and lens replacement schedules. Just a few short decades ago, conventional lenses that were replaced every one to two years were the norm, but slowly with advancements in lens materials and designs, lenses were designed to be replaced more frequently, such as every two to four weeks. But with the invention of the daily replacement contact in 1996, momentum in daily lens replacement has quickly been gaining ground. Patients are looking for an easier, more convenient way to wear contact lenses, and eye care professionals are looking for healthier contact lens options. Therefor, more and more people have been switching to daily disposable contact lenses. New daily disposable contact lenses provide the contact lens wearer with many advantages over older, longer wear, extended use, contact lenses.

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How Presbyopia Effects The Aging Eyes

“My vision is fine, I don’t need glasses…”  and “My glasses seem to not be working for me anymore!” These are some of the many remarks we as opticians hear from our patients who are getting closer to the age of 40; the age at which Presbyopia sinks in. Presbyopia is defined as the loss of elasticity of the lens of the aging eyes, occurring typically in middle age starting around the age of 40.  Patients visiting our office often notice that it is gradually getting more difficult to read anything within arms reach. They also often complain of eye fatigue and light seeming dimmer. An eye exam is often used to confirm presbyopia.

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