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All Posts Tagged: dry eyes

What is Dry Eye Syndrome?

You know that burning feeling that you get when you’re tired or have worked at your computer too long? Well, those symptoms that you’ve experienced are some symptoms that go hand in hand with dry eye syndrome. Dry eye syndrome is a common eye problem, especially for people age 50 or older. But this eye condition doesn’t discriminate and can actually affect anyone, especially now that more and more people do tons of digital work. Because of this, more people are having symptoms which are related to dry eyes. But don’t worry! Read our blog article this week to understand just what dry eye syndrome is and what you can do to help your eyes.

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What Is Computer Vision Syndrome?

Have you heard the term computer vision syndrome? So many of us spend so much time using computers and digital devices. Whether we use computers for work or digital devices like phones and tablets for pleasure, it is a fact that technology is a huge part of our everyday lives. Because of this, we are starting to see technology-related health problems. Frequent use of digital devices can put real stress and strain on our eyes. Common eye problems that occur as a result of digital device use is often referred to as computer vision syndrome. But what exactly is computer vision syndrome? Read on to learn more!
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How Does Sleep Affect Vision and Eye Health?

With daylight savings time approaching, I’m sure that there are many of us who are dreading losing an hour of sleep. Even though an hour doesn’t seem like much, it can really affect how a person feels and performs different tasks throughout the day. Not getting enough sleep in a night can also affect how our eyes perform. But how does lack of sleep affect vision and eye health? Read our blog article this week to find out!

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Are Eyelash Extensions Safe?

Make this bigger, make that smaller! Our society is in a constant battle with defining what is beautiful. Telling people that “we think you’re perfect just how you are” probably won’t change most peoples quest in achieving their “perfect self”. So this week our goal is to educate on the current popular beauty trend of eyelash extension. Are eyelash extensions safe? Read our blog article this week to learn how eyelash extensions can impact eye health!

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What Causes Dry Eyes?

Dryness goes hand in hand with winter. Dry skin, dry hair, dry eyes, dry everything! But what exactly is the cause for dry eyes? Seeing that there are so many people who suffer from dry eyes, we thought it appropriate to dedicate a blog article to the subject to tell you how to properly keep healthy skin in order to reduce dryness around the eye area. Read our blog this week for a better understanding of dry eye syndromes, what causes it, and how you can help your eyes if you suffer from it!
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How to Protect Your Eyes While On The Hill

Well, the hustle and bustle of the holiday season is finally over! With Christmas over, some of us may now have the time to enjoy some winter activities. If you plan on hitting the slopes this season, it is important to remember that you protect your eyes while on the snow. Here are a few simple pieces of advice that we recommend to our patients to follow when enjoying the great white outdoors and some downhill activities. 

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Nutty About Nuts and Eye Health!

One thing the holiday season is known for is the over abundance of yummy goods and snack foods. And it’s well-known that this time of year definitely isn’t kind to the waist line. It’s probably for this reason why Santa looks so jolly! But read on! I’m not here to scold you on the guilty pleasure of holiday snacking, but actually tell you that some of those well-known holiday treats are actually good for your eyes! Nuts and eye health have a great relationship. Not only are nuts a tasty holiday snack, but they also pack a punch in the eye health department.

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Tips For Vision And Driving At Night

It’s that time of year again, daylight savings time… I’m not sure why this is actually called “daylight savings” as for many people, they end up getting less hours of daylight, which results in a dark drive home. Driving home in pitch dark paired with winter road conditions can be stressfull and hazardous, even for the best of drivers. Making sure that our commute home is a safe one, should be a top priority. That is why this week’s blog article is all about tips for night vision and driving at night.

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How To Put In Eye Drops: 10 Easy Steps

Putting a drop of solution into the eyes seems like a simple thing to do. That is until you have to do it! Eye drops are often used to treat a wide variety of eye conditions and diseases. Glaucoma, dry eye and certain eye infections, are just a few examples where drops may be used for treatment. In many cases, eye drops are essential in the preservation of ones eye sight and eye health. Therefore, it is important when using eye drops, that you know how to put them into your eyes correctly!

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Smoking And Your Vision

We’ve all heard and seen the pictures that illustrate just how BAD smoking is for people. Many of us even know of someone who has battled with illness as a result of smoking! So if smoking is so bad, why do so many people still do it? If the list of common known reasons, why smoking is bad isn’t enough, we are going to try and bring attention to one more in our blog post this week. Smoking is also harmful on eye health!

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