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All Posts Tagged: Eye Food

What Causes Dry Eyes?

Dryness goes hand in hand with winter. Dry skin, dry hair, dry eyes, dry everything! But what exactly is the cause for dry eyes? Seeing that there are so many people who suffer from dry eyes, we thought it appropriate to dedicate a blog article to the subject to tell you how to properly keep healthy skin in order to reduce dryness around the eye area. Read our blog this week for a better understanding of dry eye syndromes, what causes it, and how you can help your eyes if you suffer from it!
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Eye Healthy Recipe – Tuscany Soup

Last week, our blog article was all about the eye health benefits from leafy green foods. Even though we know that green leafy foods are good for our bodies and eye health, it’s not always easy ensuring that you’re consuming enough of them. Especially if you’re a meat and potatoes guy like my husband. After writing the blog last week, I was also inspired to try to add more greens to my own diet. At my last trip to the grocery store I bought a bunch of kale. It was my mission to find a recipe to use it in. And not just any recipe, but one that my whole family would love! Well, I succeeded! Read our blog article this week to learn how to make the eye healthy recipe – Tuscany soup!
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How Do Green Foods Contribute To Eye Health?

With it being January, there’s a good chance that your diet may consists of a lot more green foods than normal! January is usually the month in which people try to restart their system on healthy eating habits. An attempt often used to shed the extra pounds put on over the Christmas season so they implement diet and exercise and weight lifting using equipment from this best weight lifting belt review just to do it in a safe way. But, did you know that in addition to being healthy for your whole body, green foods are actually really good for eye health and vision!

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Nutty About Nuts and Eye Health!

One thing the holiday season is known for is the over abundance of yummy goods and snack foods. And it’s well-known that this time of year definitely isn’t kind to the waist line. It’s probably for this reason why Santa looks so jolly! But read on! I’m not here to scold you on the guilty pleasure of holiday snacking, but actually tell you that some of those well-known holiday treats are actually good for your eyes! Nuts and eye health have a great relationship. Not only are nuts a tasty holiday snack, but they also pack a punch in the eye health department.

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The Eye Health Perks From Pumpkin!

We are well into the season of pumpkin spice EVERYTHING! Not only did Starbuck’s traditional pumpkin spice latte turn 15 this year, but I think pumpkin spice craze has actually hit a new peak. So far in my fall shopping adventures, I have came across pumpkin spice yogurt (which is delicious), pumpkin spice Bailey’s (which I have yet to try) and pumpkin vanilla spice body lotion from the body shop (smells as good as it sounds!). But why the craze for pumpkin? Did you know that pumpkin is one of those foods you don’t have to feel guilty about eating (that is of course, if it’s real pumpkin). Did you know that there is even eye health perks from pumpkin? You can get more tips from the outback vision protocol.

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Fact Or Fiction: The Relationship Between Carrots and Healthy Eyes!

There has probably been a moment in your life, when your mom or dad had said: “eat your carrots, they are good for your eyes”! Is this phrase a myth? Has it been conjured up by parents everywhere in an attempt to get their children to eat their veggies? Well, it turns out that your mom or dad isn’t far off the mark. There is a relationship between consuming carrots and healthy eyes! Carrots and other vegetables are useful to keep your teeth healthy, but if you need to get tooth implants you can always count with tandimplantat specialister!

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Eat for Your Eyes: Diet and Eye Health

As we age, our bodies need more and more vital nutrients to help our body’s systems work to their full potential. Good nutrition and exercise can help delay or even prevent certain eye problems and diseases you could even buy best legal steroids online to keep your eyes and body fit. Some eye diseases and conditions are age related, such as age related macular degeneration and cataracts. These are the two most common causes of vision impairment as we age. That is why it is important to “eat for your eyes”. 

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New Years Resolutions and Healthy Eyes

Out with the old, in with the new! It’s almost New Years, and for many people this also means a start to their new years resolutions.  The ringing in of a new year is an excellent time to start working on self improvements, such as health and fitness goals using a healthy diet and the program in this Science Based Six Pack review. Especially after consuming the many sweets that appear in abundance during the holiday season. But did you know that many of the common New Years resolutions that people make, can also have a benefit to eye health? Our blog article this week explores the connection between three common New Years resolutions and healthy eyes.

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A Christmas Feast For The Eyes – Healthy Eyes

The holiday season is a time of joy, cheer, and food, food… FOOD! For many of us, we use the holidays as an excuse to ignore our diets and indulge in all the yummy feasts and treats that make the holiday season just that much merrier. So, to help with any guilt that you may feel while indulging in all that amazing food, we’ve come up with a list of some Christmas food staples and how they are good for your vision and healthy eyes!

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Eye Health Tips

As humans, we are very reliant on our sense of sight. It is easy to see through our everyday lifestyles and activities, just how reliant on vision that we are. Just imagine how different your day would be if you didn’t have your sight. Our eyes, just like all the other parts of our body need a certain amount of care for them to function properly. Here are some tips that can help you maintain good eye health!

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