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All Posts Tagged: Sunglasses

Tips For Buying Kids Sunglasses

Choosing an item for a child can be a daunting task. Children are the ultimate critics! If a child doesn’t like something, you can bet you’ll hear about it! Sometimes, this makes buying an item for a child a challenge! Many parents are intimidated when it comes to selecting eyeglasses and sunglasses for their children. But it doesn’t have to be that hard! Read our tips on buying kids sunglasses to ensure your child’s next pair of sunglasses is a hit!

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5 Important Reasons Why Children Should Wear Sunglasses!

Well, the summer is officially underway! And thank goodness Mother Nature has been cooperating by providing us with some exceptional weather to enjoy! It’s a great treat for kids who get to enjoy their break away from school! If you’re like many parents, you probably try to remember to lotion your kids up with sunscreen before sending them out to play, right!? But do you also make sure your children have sunglasses on as well? Although many parents are concerned about preventing sunburn to the skin caused by UV exposure, many parents overlook protecting their child’s eyes from those same damaging UV rays. Our blog article this week explains the value of kids sunglasses. So, here are 5 reasons why children should wear sunglasses.

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Do I Need To Wear Sunglasses When Cloudy?

SUN-glasses were designed to be worn when sunny! So why would anyone want to wear sunglasses when cloudy out? Even though one of the main functions of sunglasses is to help combat glare and bright light from the sun they definitely serve a purpose and should be worn on overcast days as well. Our blog article this week is dedicated to informing our readers and patients about the importance of why a person should wear sunglasses when cloudy!

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What Are The Best Sunglasses For Golf?

Golf is such a great game! Who doesn’t like walking around on a beautifully manicured lawn out in the fresh air! The fact that you also get to whack a tiny white ball every so often, is therapeutic as well! Most seasoned golfers will agree that even though there is a great amount of skill and talent which is required to play the game. That the right golf gear also greatly impacts how a person plays. One item of gear that is often overlooked but can increase the odds of getting your ball in the hole is a good pair of sunglasses! But what are the best sunglasses for golf? Read our blog article this week to find out!

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Why Are Maui Jim Sunglasses Great?

Just saying the name, Maui Jim in my mind, conjures up the image of a guy who is cool, relaxed and easy going! Well, I’ll go one step further and say “I” also feel pretty relaxed and cool when I wear my own Maui Jim sunglasses! That is because wearing a pair of Maui Jim’s is so easy! From how they fit, to the vision they provide, Maui Jim sunglasses offer a great sunglass experience! But why are Maui Jim sunglasses so great? Read this week’s blog article to find out!

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Your Eyes And The Solar Eclipse

Check you calendars!… If you haven’t yet heard… tomorrow, something big is happening! On Monday, August 21, 2017 a total solar eclipse is predicted to cross a path across the US! The best place to view the total eclipse is in the United States, but us Canadians will also be able to enjoy a partial eclipse from many locations as well. If you want fully enjoy this rare, “once in a lifetime” type event, you should make sure that you do so safely. Viewing a solar eclipse with no eye protection, or the wrong type of eye protection can be very harmful to your eyes. Not wearing the correct type of eye protection can cause serious damage to the eyes. Read our blog article, to learn how to watch the eclipse safely!

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Why Should I Buy Sunglasses From My Optometrist?

Wow, it’s been one hot summer here in Calgary! Just even saying the word summer makes me think of a big old bright shining sun, which leads me then to think about wearing sunglasses. Sunglasses should be worn in every season of the year, not just in the summer! Sunglasses aren’t just a seasonal summer item, they are an important staple in your wardrobe, year-round! That’s why we want to bring attention to why it’s so important to buy a good pair of sunglasses and why you shouldn’t just buy your shades anywhere. The best person to buy sunglasses from if your optometrist, and here are the reasons why!

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blue sunglasses

How to Protect Your Eyes On The Water: Sunglasses

Well, it’s almost the August long weekend. For most people, the august long weekend usually means that summer holidays are half over… Or for the optimists out there, that we still have half of our holidays left! Regardless, however you choose to look at it, we are officially smack dab, knee deep in summer! In Calgary, July and August are typically the hotter months. And recently, we’ve had some stretches of pretty hot weather! And, although our heatwaves that we have had this year haven’t been welcomed by all, the boaters and those who love water sports are in their glory! So this summer, if you do find yourself out on the water, follow these tips to protect your eyes on the water!
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How Do You Choose Sunglasses For Kids?

Picking Items out for children, is sometimes as simple as choosing what you like, hoping that it fits, and if not… well, they can always grow into it and wear it later. But choosing sunglasses for kids, can prove to be a little more complex then that! Making sure that you choose a pair of sunglasses that your child likes, fits well, feels comfortable, and protects their eyes and vision, are all aspects to consider when buying your child their next pair of shades!

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